Sunday 22 April 2012

Week 8 - Diary Entry

After just getting back from the two week easter break, during which I got another lot of photos taken in the studio, this time I am very happy with these photos, they offer the quirkyness, fun and girl next door look I was after. I final got this look by research artists and using poses that they had used in magazines and album shoots etc. The artist I decided to use was Eliza Doolittle, she is quite a quirky solo artist, who offers a very individual look and sound to her songs.

This week is the final full week before the final cut of my music magazine is due in, this week my main focus is to complete get the finishing touches done to my magazine and making sure that important conventions such as page numbers are present in my magazine. Also due to getting pictures taken quite late I need to get all my images photoshopped so they are sutiable for the magazine. Due to one of my images being on the front cover I need to spend a lot of time making sure my models skins is perfect with no blemishes and limited freckles/ moles.

After completing my double page spread I still wasn't certain that I was happy with the image, therefore I decided to set up another shoot but this time on location at a local beach and sailing club. This would tehn give me the choice to change my image if I got a better one, however I was starting to become pushed for time so I decided to get the photos at the weekend and spend the rest of the time perfecting the rest of my magazine, once I was happy with everything else I started planning the images I wanted to take.

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