Friday 23 March 2012

Rough cut feedback from target audience

Things target audience currently like:
  • Colour Scheme
  • Front Cover is busy
  • Magazine Title 
  • Layout
  • Good images 
Things target audience felt needed improving:
  • Model doesnt fit genre
  • Yellow colour- possiably use white instead
  • Model doesnt engage with audience
  • Wider use of fonts
  • Tilt the picture of Florence and the Machine
  • Barcode too long+ too many numbers
  • Colour of Writing at bottom of page hard to read.
                                                       Things target audince liked on my contents page:
  •  Busy contents page- lots to talk about
  • Good stories on contents page
  • Layout
  • Range of photos
  • Variety of photos  
  • Range of models
  • Good photos
  • Main model wearing same colours as text
Things target audience felt needed improving on contents page:
  • Captions on photos
  • Page numbers
  • Change the background colour from white
  • More interesting fonts
  • Typing error

                                                                           Things target audience liked on my Double page spread
  • Layout of Article
  • Good Article
  • Font sizes- break up the text
Things target audince felt needed improving on my double page spread
  • Range of fonts
  • Range of colours- seems very plain
  • More interesting fonts
  • Model doesnt engage with audince
  • Page numbers            
  •  More drop Capitals

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