Saturday 17 March 2012

Contents page

 Q magazine contents page
Recognisable Q logo in corner of page, allows continuinty from front page through the magazine.
Simple colour scheme - Black, Red, White, Grey keeps it simple everything stands out and you can read everything. Four easy on the eye colours, not to bright so they hurt your eyes.
Adele the main story large close up attracts the audiences eye straight away allows you to notice she is the selling point of the magazine. She is looking directly at the audience making a connection with them. Simple hair and make up reflects her as a artist and what the magazine stands for. They offer music and that is all.
Organised layout, easy to find what you want, all the stories being down the left and reviews and pictures down the right.
The date and page number are located at the top right hand corner, easy to find, stand out on the black background. Typical convention inform the reader about when the issue is for.

 Mojo Contents Page
Simple colour scheme- Grey, White and Red simple colours all stand out from each other.
San-serif font it is easy to read, gives a informal approach which is perfect for a music magazine. The font is also large so important parts like the names e.g. Florence Welch stand out and you can read them from a distance.
You can tell straight away from looking at this page that the main story is going to be on Florence Welch, the picture used is of good quality, takes up half the page, she has a good confident stance which is also very interesting from the different shape she is creating, giving opportunity for the text to reflect this shape, making the page look very interesting and that it's been thought through and planned.
The black clothing with pearls make her stand out from the grey background, as soon as you look at this page the image jumps out at you. The pearls and velvet dress give texture to the image and express her personality and the type of music she creates. The image is very simple but effective and perfect for the target audience who aren't interested in huge performans they are just interested in the music and what artists have to offer.
The use of the date, page number in the bottom left and the issue number are all typical conventions of music magazines, they inform the audience of when the magazine was created for and also what page they are currently on so they can find the page they want easily.
The small descriptions underneath each story, give a small summary of what the story has to offer, this encourages the reader to read it and be interested.

Mojo Contents page
Quote from the interview "I checked myself into a New Orleans psch ward. I do not recommened it." makes the reader intested they want to read the rest of the interview to find out what happened and why he doesn't recommened it.
Mojo written in capital letters in sans-serif font, makes it easy to read stands out, continues on from front page keeps the continuitity.
All the titles of the stories are written in capital letters, convention which many music magazines use, this makes the name stand out and attracts the readers attention and you see a name you like and straight away you want to read the story just because you like the artist.
Pose of Trent Reznor, looks arrogant, the caption of the photos say he is looking back on his time, the pose links with this as he looks like he's thinking and looking back on everything he has done but he's waiting for the future to come.

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