Monday 6 February 2012

School magazine 06/02/12

My School magazine uses many main codes and conventions that existing magazines use on my front cover I have used a medium close up of a pupil looking happy as my main background picture, many existing magazines also use happy looking photos of pupils on their front cover due to the good impression it gives of the school, Fusion is one magazine which does this. Another convention I use on my front page is smaller sub stories this keeps the audience interested and shows them what else is also in the magazine,Bishopbriggs Academy is one example which does this they show pictures of trips and extra curricular activities that take place in the school , I have also done this by showing a picture of the Romeo and Juliet production which is taking place in school, this allows the readers to see the other opportunities which take place inside school. 
In my Contents page I have used a similar convention to Fusion magazine by keeping the background a plain and simple colour of white, but using colours in my text, this allows it to be easy to read and attract the reader to the sub stories. 

During the process of producing a school magazine I have learnt about technologies such as how to take a medium close up, when I first started this magazine I had little experience with using technologies such as photoshop. Due to this I feel that due to producing this magazine I have gained many skills and experience. While producing this magazine I used photoshop to get my pictures the correct size, I also learnt about using the camera so I can take a good quality picture which is correct for the genre.

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