Sunday 19 February 2012

Evaluation of School magazine

From the research of school magazine I noticed many codes and conventions that are used in most school magazines, therefore I decided for my magazine to look presentable and professional, I would have to use certain conventions.

While deciding on the design for my front page I decided I would need a large mid shot of a student for the front cover, this convention was used on a few existing school magazines it allows a main story to be shown, it also allows the audience a insight into the school. I also used smaller images on my front page to show sub stories that are present in my magazine, this convention was used in Bishopbriggs Academy Magazine which shows two images of a sports team and a school skiing trip.

For my contents page I used Fusion magazine as inspiration their contents page grabs your attention by using images and bright colours, it looks interesting this makes you want to read it. It also has a good layout with everything being aligned and organised, I have used different colours for different stories in my magazine this keeps them obviously separate and together with their page number, it also makes it look interesting and colourful. I have also tried to incorporate the appropriate images with the story to make it look more interesting for the audience.

During the process of making my School Magazine I have learned many new skills including how to use technologies such as photoshop and also how to take a good image on a SLR camera. During taking my images I came across problems with the lighting and shadows, however after learning more about lighting I now understand the advantages and disadvantages of using natural and artificial light, therefore for my music magazine I can plan ahead with the time I take the pictures, where and what light I will use to suit the situation.  

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